

Our annual Christmas cookie baking day was this week.
* Double Chocolate Cookies (white chocolate chips)
* Spritz (Frances kept playing with the flavors and colors thereof, and Charlotte decorated the trees)
* Cream Jelly Crescents (One of Charlotte’s experiments…they look really neat.)
* Gingerbread Cookies (wonderful flavor and texture)
* Sour Cream Sugar Cookies (Kay’s recipe…very good)
* Linzer ( but not truly since I was too far into the project to look back when I discovered that we had no ground almond! Very disappointing.)
* Chocolate Covered Peanut Butter Balls (Serious Yum!)
* Chocolate Covered Coconut Balls (Elv and I like these better than the children do so when we’ve helped them to eat up the peanut butter balls; we start in on the coconut balls in peace with no competition!) 🙂
* Chocolate Chip and Cherry Cookies

* Wreaths (Frances insisted on using cornflakes, marsh mallows, and green food coloring to make wreaths, decorating them with red hots. They were weird looking but the men liked them)

We got a text from the man of the house at three saying they were coming home and wanted supper at quarter to five! Ummm, so we were caught red-handed so to speak and they came home before we had our 22 plates of cookies tucked safely out of tasting.

Oh well, it was kind of fun having them come in and ooh and ah, tasting this and that. Elv insists I shouldn’t give so many away! As usual I packed a box of them for his boss, who opens them on the spot and munches his way half way through it before pausing, much to Elv’s awe and delight.

If we had caroled this Sunday instead of last, some of these would have been passed in the hands of our neighbors. A few of them will anyway. Otherwise, we will get them out of the freezer one plate at a time during the evening game playing when the family is home for Christmas.

5 thoughts on “Cookies”

  1. That's it, I'm coming home for Christmas next year…no, maybe not. I really can't decide if I miss Christmas at home or if I'm too happy enjoying making Christmas traditions with my man and baby. It looks like everyone had heaps of fun.


  2. Yup those crescents LOOKED impressive, but the all the jam in the middle baked out…Oh and one of the plates that we took to my family had a wreath on, and my Dad snatched it up and said, “It's been a long time since I saw one of these.”


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