
Real Stuff

I’ve been blogging since 2009. I am feeling insecure about how it’s still just my photographs and words…I haven’t given it a mercenary opportunity, nor have I gotten popular with it in any direction at all. I don’t even have a good idea who still reads it. I kind of care about these things. I guess I’m in a rut.

The truth is, I have insecurities that keep all sorts of opinions and ideas in check here. I have sterilized some really honest posts literally to death. This is my confession. It lacks repentance. But I’m not feeling cheerful about that. Maybe helpless.

A few years ago, people commented that we must have an ideal life if what was coming across this blog was real. I felt silly about that, because nobody knows better than me how ordinary we are around here. But what to do … I still wonder.

I wonder because we do have an ideal part of our lives that’s easy to share. Beautiful summers with great gardens. Things we live/love to do like home making and canoeing and hosting and weekending at the cabin.

Besides, I have talked about our losses, church struggles, my depression issues, and even silly things like vermin problems.

It must be about time after thirteen years, to hit refresh and skill up a bit. If you still read and you care, I’d love to hear from you, your ideas and experiences that will help me to improve.

The picture is in one Lisl’s gardens. It’s real and ideal. One of these days I’m going to grab a bunch of pretty pictures.

11 thoughts on “Real Stuff”

  1. Please Arla, don’t quit! I look forward to your blogs. And it’s one way we keep in touch. I enjoy your interesting musings and down to earth philosophies! It always makes me think I should write again. I have no excuse except downright laziness! Anyway please don’t quit.!! Your aunt Carol


  2. I don’t remember how I found your blog, but I’ve been reading for years. I can hear the hard stuff underneath and often wish to hear a little more, altho I know some things can’t be said. But that’s where it gets frustrating, because the people in the next generation – like me – can learn so much from the older people going through hard stuff, removed from “my” specific situation. But there’s the frustration again, because there are probably people in your specific situation reading your words and it wouldn’t be fair to say more than you do …. In any case, I do learn from your perspective on mothering, homemaking, and interacting with grown children and church friends. Thanks for taking time to share your life with us!


  3. No sage advice from this corner, but I’m still a faithful reader and enjoy whatever you write here! If your goals lead you to pursue something more with this blog, go for it; but don’t feel bad for just writing as a creative outlet… There’s benefit in that for yourself and others!
    I was just pondering this morning in regards to social media, sharing photos and such and the highlight reel/real balance. I too, feel silly if people really think that my life is only the sunshine and roses and smiles that my photo albums are full of. I do want to be real and relatable, but I also think some responsibility falls on the viewer to realize that my life is as messy as anyone’s without my spelling it out for everyone. I have no desire to feed someone’s comparison monster, but I also don’t wish to focus on or share the negative things in my life overmuch.
    Anyway, lots of words but no answers, as you can see. 😏
    Carry on!


    1. I like that way of saying it,”no desire to feed someone’s comparison monster” .
      Thanks for your comment. I really did need to know. I will carry on. I’m encouraged.


  4. I’m still reading after I dont’ know how many years. If you could commercialize it and make money, you’d have better luck at it than I’ve ever had trying to make money with writing or pictures. Some things are worth doing for themselves with or without money. As for being real, you’re real enough. The trouble of being totally real is that real doesn’t happen in a vacuum. Other people’s sorrows and embarrassments are part of our realities. And our friends and families don’t necessarily deserve to have their heartaches and weaknesses displayed for our readers. I’m not suggesting that you do or would do that, but that is where getting real eventually has to go. Sometimes real is an empty Alzheimer’s stare, and publishing that for the world doesn’t do anybody any good.


    1. We like this thought, David. Thanks for understanding. Elv nodded his head. To always be kind about others’ stories while being honest about our own. That’s the goal.


  5. I still read from time to time! Sometime about 3 years ago my life for a tad bit messier and crazy and I quit keeping up with the blogging world but in the last 2 months I’ve found it again and have read some here n there! I always loved reading your blog cause it made me feel connected to your family somehow since I used to be a little more of a regular part of it from time to time! In the last few months I’ve began to realize how much I’ve forgotten about my old life but began to feel the need to connect with my old friends again for some reason…. Maybe I have more time, maybe it’s got to do with the things I’ve been thru in the last 8 months, I don’t know, but I’ve picked up the blogs again…. Don’t stop I enjoy your perspective! My words here don’t feel very wise or majorly encouraging but hopefully they give a glimpse of my enjoyment of other people’s writings and seeing that my life isn’t the only hard trip at the moment always! Wow, I don’t know if any of this makes sense at all but the basics point is I have always enjoyed reading your blog! 😊


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